Two presentations at the 5th Brain Stimulation Conference

We will participate the 5th Brain Stimulation Conference, in-person, unless something comes up. There will be two presentations from our group.
Joonas has a poster presentation about his work related to closed-loop TMS-EEG experiments inside MRI. We have been conducting a lot of experiment during the last year to check the feasibility and robustness of EEG-phase estimation during concurrent fMRI measurements. Joonas has been very busy with the analysis of the collected data. Finally, all is ready, and he will present these results in the conference.
The other presentation will be in a fast-track symposium titled: “The potential of microstructural brain imaging in the field of non-invasive brain stimulation”. There I will present our work on targeting networks of the brain with real-time tractography-based TMS neuronavigation.
Find us at the conference! Let’s chat.